Purely Politics (204)
                        Just Politics (If you can say that and mean it)
      A Child's History of England , by Charles Dickens......... etext96/achoe10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Abraham Lincoln and the Union , by Nath'l W Stephenson......... etext01/alatu10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Abraham Lincoln , by James Russell Lowell......... etext97/1lncn10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/1linc10.zip etext01/2linc10.zip etext01/3linc10.zip etext01/4linc10.zip etext01/5linc10.zip etext01/6linc10.zip etext01/7linc10.zip etext90/linc111.zip .....
      Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext90/linc211.zip .....
      Against Apion , by Flavius Josephus......... etext01/agaap10.zip ..... Disk 2
      America As Seen By Oriental Diplomat , by Wu Tingfang......... etext96/asbod10.zip ..... Disk 1
      American Notes , by Charles Dickens......... etext96/amnts10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Anti-Slavery Crusade , by Jesse Macy......... etext02/ascru10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Antiquities of the Jews , by Flavius Josephus......... etext01/taofj10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Appendix to Carlyle's History of Friedrich II , by Carlyle......... etext00/22frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Appendix to Carlyle's "History of Friedrich II , by Thomas Carlyle......... etext00/22frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Caesar's Commentaries in Latin , by Caesar......... etext95/galli10.zip ..... Disk 1
      California legislature of 1909 , by Franklin Hicborn......... etext01/cal0910.zip ..... Disk 2
      Castracani , by Nicolo Machiavelli......... etext98/tprnc10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Castracani , by Nicolo Machiavelli......... etext99/tprnc11.zip ..... Disk 1
      Cicero's Orations , by Cicero......... etext95/ccero10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Civilization of Renaissance in Italy , by J Burckhardt......... etext00/corii10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Cleopatra (Complete) , by Georg Ebers......... etext04/ge44v10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Darwin and Modern Science , by A.C. Seward......... etext99/drwnm10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Democracy and Education , by John Dewey......... etext97/dmedu10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Drake's Great Armada , by Walter Biggs......... etext02/drkga10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte , by Karl Marx......... etext98/mar1810.zip ..... Disk 1
      Essay on the Trial By Jury , by Lysander Spooner......... etext98/tbjry10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Essays of Francis Bacon , by Francis Bacon......... etext96/ebacn10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Ethics , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/5spne10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Ethics , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/4spne10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Ethics , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/3spne10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Ethics , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/2spne10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Ethics , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/1spne10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan , by Keene......... etext98/tfmeh10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Female Suffrage , by Susan Fenimore Cooper......... etext00/sffrg10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Fragmenta Regalia: Memoirs of Elizabeth, her court and favourites , by Robert Naunton......... etext99/trvfg10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Francis Drake's Voyage Round the World , by Pretty......... etext01/fdvrw10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1st Inaugural , by Franklin Delano Roosevelt......... etext94/fdr10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Froude's History of England , by Charles Kingsley......... etext02/frdhe10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Gettysburg Address , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext90/getty11.zip .....
      Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death , by Patrick Henry......... etext90/liber11.zip .....
      Henry Clay's Remarks in House and Senate , by Henry Clay......... etext96/hcrhs10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Hispanic Nations of the New World , by Wm. R. Shepherd......... etext02/hispn10.zip ..... Disk 2
      History of England, James II , by Macaulay, vol. 2......... etext00/2hoej10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of England, James II, v.3 , by Thomas Macaulay ......... etext01/3hoej10.zip ..... Disk 2
      History of England, James II, v.4 , by Thomas Macaulay ......... etext01/4hoej10.zip ..... Disk 2
      History of England, James II, v.5 , by Thomas Macaulay ......... etext01/5hoej10.zip ..... Disk 2
      History of England, James II, Vol. 1 , by Macaulay......... etext98/1hoej10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Florence...Italy , by Machiavelli......... etext01/hflit10.zip ..... Disk 2
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V01......... etext00/01frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V02......... etext00/02frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V03......... etext00/03frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V04......... etext00/04frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V05......... etext00/05frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V06......... etext00/06frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V07......... etext00/07frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V08......... etext00/08frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V09......... etext00/09frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V10......... etext00/10frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V11......... etext00/11frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V12......... etext00/12frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V13......... etext00/13frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V14......... etext00/14frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V15......... etext00/15frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V16......... etext00/16frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V17......... etext00/17frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V18......... etext00/18frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V19......... etext00/19frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of Friedrich II of Prussia , by Carlyle V21......... etext00/21frd10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History Of The Conquest Of Peru , by Prescott......... etext98/hcpru10a.zip ..... Disk 1
      History Of The Conquest Of Peru , by Wm H. Prescott......... etext98/hcpru10.zip ..... Disk 1
      History of the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson , by Edmund Ross......... etext01/impjn10.zip ..... Disk 2
      How Members of Congress Are Bribed , by Joseph Moore......... etext02/bribe10.zip ..... Disk 2
      I Have A Dream , by Martin Luther King, Jr.......... etext99/dream10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains , by Charles A. Eastman......... etext95/indhe10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Jeanne d'Arc, Her Life and Death , by Mrs. Oliphant......... etext01/8jnrc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Jeanne d'Arc, Her Life and Death , by Mrs. Oliphant......... etext01/7jnrc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Jefferson and His colleagues , by Allen Johnson......... etext02/jandc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      John Marshall and the Constitution , by Corwin......... etext02/jmatc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero , by Marcus Tullius Cicero......... etext01/letci10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Lincoln, an account of his personal life, especially of its springs of action as revealed and deepened by the ordeal of war , by Nathaniel W. Stephenson......... etext99/lsplf10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Mark Twain's Speeches , by Mark Twain......... etext02/mtmts10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Meditations , by Marcus Aurelius......... etext01/medma10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Meditations , by Marcus Aurelius......... etext01/medma10h.zip ..... Disk 2
      Memoirs of a Minister of France , by Stanley Weyman......... etext00/moamf10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, Volume 1 , by William T. Sherman......... etext01/1shrm10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, Volume 2 , by William T. Sherman......... etext01/2shrm10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass , by Frederick Douglass......... etext92/duglas11.zip ..... Disk 1
      North American Free Trade Agreement between the government of the United States of America, the government of Canada, and the government of the United Mexican States. Treaty, Annexes, Tariffs , by U.S. Government......... etext93/naftchap.zip ..... Disk 1
      North American Free Trade Agreement between the government of the United States of America, the government of Canada, and the government of the United Mexican States. Treaty, Annexes, Tariffs , by U.S. Government......... etext93/naftannx.zip ..... Disk 1
      North American Free Trade Agreement between the government of the United States of America, the government of Canada, and the government of the United Mexican States. Treaty, Annexes, Tariffs , by U.S. Government......... etext93/naftarif.zip ..... Disk 1
      Old John Brown the man whose soul is marching on , by Walter Hawkins......... etext00/ojbrn10.zip ..... Disk 1
      On Being Human , by Woodrow Wilson ......... etext04/nbhmn10.zip ..... Disk 2
      On War , by Carl von Clausewitz Volume 1......... etext99/1onwr10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Orations , by John Quincy Adams......... etext97/objqa10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Othello , by Shakespeare......... etext98/2ws3210.zip ..... Disk 1
      Othello , by William Shakespeare......... etext97/1ws3210.zip ..... Disk 1
      Othello , by William Shakespeare......... etext99/1ws3211.zip ..... Disk 1
      Our Legal Heritage , by S. A. Reilly......... etext99/rlglh10a.zip ..... Disk 1
      Our Legal Heritage , by S. A. Reilly......... etext99/rlglh10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Peace , by Aristophanes......... etext01/peace10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant [ US President ] V1 , by U. S. Grant......... etext97/1musg10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant [ US President ] V2 , by U. S. Grant......... etext97/2musg10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Personal memoirs V1, General Philip Henry Sheridan , by Philip Henry Sheridan......... etext01/1shdn10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Personal memoirs V2, General Philip Henry Sheridan , by Philip Henry Sheridan......... etext01/2shdn10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Philebus , by Plato, more Socrates......... etext99/philb10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Previous Constitution of Japan 1889 , by Tsuge-bumi......... etext96/cjold10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Quo vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero , by Henryk Sienkiewicz......... etext01/quvds10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee , by Robert E. Lee......... etext00/relee10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Red Badge of Courage , by Stephen Crane......... etext93/badge10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Red Badge of Courage , by Stephen Crane......... etext96/badge10a.zip ..... Disk 1
      Rienzi, last of the Roman Tribunes , by E. B. Lytton......... etext98/rienz10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Russia in 1919 , by Arthur Ransome......... etext98/19rus10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Sir Francis Drake Revived , by Philip Nichols , Editor......... etext01/fdrvv10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Sir Walter Raleigh and His Times , by C. Kingsley......... etext02/srwal10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Sophist , by Plato......... etext99/sopht10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Speeches: Literary and Social , by Charles Dickens......... etext97/dslas10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Statesman , by Plato......... etext99/sttsm10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Tacitus on Germany, Translated by Thomas Gordon , by Tacitus......... etext01/tctgr10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Age of Big Business , by Burton J. Hendrick......... etext02/agebb10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The agrarian crusade : a chronicle of the farmer in politics , by Solon J. Buck......... etext01/agrcr10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The American Republic: Constitution, Tendencies and Destiny , by O. A. Brownson......... etext00/amrep11.zip ..... Disk 1
      The American Republic: Constitution, Tendencies and Destiny , by O. A. Brownson......... etext00/amrep10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Analects of Confucius [Confucian Analects] , by Confucius......... etext02/cnfcs10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Armies of Labor , by Samuel Peter Orth......... etext02/labor10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Art of War , by Sun Tzu......... etext94/sunzu10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Art of War , by Sun Tzu......... etext02/lcsun10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Autobiography of Ben Franklin , by Ben Franklin......... etext94/bfaut10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln , by Helen Nicolay......... etext99/bloal10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Colored Cadet at West Point , by Henry Flipper......... etext00/ccawp10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Common Law , by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.......... etext00/cmnlw10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Communist Manifesto , by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels......... etext93/manif12.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Confessions of Saint Augustine , by Saint Augustine......... etext02/tcosa10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Conquest of New France , by George M. Wrong......... etext02/confr10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Constitution of Japan , by U.S. Government......... etext96/jcnst10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Day of the Confederacy , by Nathaniel Stephenson......... etext02/dayco10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Education of Henry Adams , by Henry Adams......... etext00/eduha10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Education of Henry Adams , by Henry Adams......... etext00/eduha10h.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Education of the Child , by Ellen Key......... etext97/edkid10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Entire Gutenberg Holmes , by Holmes,Sr.......... etext02/ohent10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Entire Writings of Lincoln , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext02/lnent10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Evolution of Modern Medicine , by William Osler......... etext98/teomm10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Fathers of the Constitution , by Max Farrand......... etext02/fathc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Federalist Papers , by Hamilton, Jay & Madison......... etext91/feder16.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Federalist Papers , by Hamilton, Jay & Madison......... etext98/feder10a.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Federalist Papers , by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay......... etext91/feder16.zip ..... Disk 1
      The French Revolution V1 , by Hippolyte Taine......... etext01/02ocf10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The French Revolution V2 , by Hippolyte Taine......... etext01/03ocf10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The French Revolution V3 , by Hippolyte Taine......... etext01/04ocf10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Gilded Age , by Twain and Warner......... etext02/mtgld10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Great Boer War , by Arthur Conan Doyle......... etext02/gboer10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The History of the Thirty Years' War , by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller......... etext96/1jcfs10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Jungle , by Upton Sinclair......... etext94/jungl10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Koran , by Muhammad......... etext02/koran10a.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Koran , by Muhammad......... etext01/koran10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Life of Columbus, [in his own words] , by Edward Everett Hale......... etext98/tlocc10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Machine , by Upton Sinclair......... etext02/tmchn10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Modern Regime V1 , by Hippolyte A. Taine......... etext01/05ocf10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Modern Regime V2 , by Hippolyte A. Taine......... etext01/06ocf10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The New Atlantis , by Francis Bacon......... etext00/nwatl10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The path of empire; a chronicle of the United States as a world power , by Carl Russell Fish......... etext02/tpemp10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Path of the Law , by O. W. Holmes, Jr.......... etext00/palaw10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Path of the Law , by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.......... etext00/pthlw10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Prince , by Nicolo Machiavelli......... etext98/tprnc10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Prince , by Nicolo Machiavelli......... etext99/tprnc11.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Profits of Religion , by Upton Sinclair......... etext98/prfrl10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Psychology of Revolution , by Gustave le Bon......... etext96/psrev10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Railroad Builders , by John Moody......... etext02/rroad10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Reception of the Origin of Species , by T H Huxley......... etext00/oroos10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Red Badge of Courage , by Stephen Crane......... etext96/badge10a.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Republic , by Plato......... etext94/repub13.zip ..... Disk 1
      The Small catechism of Martin Luther , by Martin Luther......... etext01/smctj10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Souls of Black Folk , by W. E. B. Du Bois......... etext96/soulb10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The United States Constitution , by Constitutional Convention......... etext90/const11.zip .....
      The Use and Need of the Life of Carrie A. Nation , by Carrie A. Nation......... etext98/crntn10.zip ..... Disk 1
      The wars of the Jews , by Flavius Josephus......... etext01/warje10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 1 , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/1linc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2 , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/2linc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 3 , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/3linc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 4 , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/4linc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 5 , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/5linc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 6 , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/6linc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 7 , by Abraham Lincoln......... etext01/7linc10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Theaetetus , by Plato......... etext99/thtus10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography , by Theodore Roosevelt......... etext02/trabi10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Theodore Roosevelt; An Intimate Biography , by Thayer......... etext00/teddy10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Theologico-Political Treatise , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/4spnt10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Theologico-Political Treatise , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/3spnt10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Theologico-Political Treatise , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/2spnt10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Theologico-Political Treatise , by Benedictus de Spinoza......... etext97/1spnt10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Theory of the Leisure Class , by Thorstein Veblen......... etext97/totlc10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Thomas Jefferson , by Edward S. Ellis......... etext96/tjeff10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Treatises on Friendship and Old Age , by Cicero......... etext01/tfroa10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Trinity Atomic Bomb , by the National Atomic Museum......... etext95/3trnt10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Two Years in the Forbidden City , by Princess Der Ling......... etext97/tyifc10.zip ..... Disk 1
      United States Declaration of Independence , by Thomas Jefferson et all......... etext90/when11.zip .....
      United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches , by ......... etext97/uspis10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Up from Slavery: An Autobiography , by B. T. Washington......... etext00/bookt10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Up From Slavery , by Booker T. Washington......... etext00/slvry10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Valentino , by Nicolo Machiavelli......... etext98/tprnc10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Valentino , by Nicolo Machiavelli......... etext99/tprnc11.zip ..... Disk 1
      Warfare of Science and Theology , by Andrew Dickson White......... etext96/hwswt10.zip ..... Disk 1
      Wealth of Nations , by Adam Smith......... etext02/wltnt10.zip ..... Disk 2
      William the Conqueror , by E.A. Freeman......... etext97/wlmcn10.zip ..... Disk 1
      With Lee in Virginia [US Civil War] , by G.A. Henty......... etext01/leeiv10.zip ..... Disk 2
      Woman and Labour (labor) , by Olive Schreiner......... etext98/wmlbr10.zip ..... Disk 1