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 Author Title                  Location of book on CD Located on Disk No.

      Herodotus, Tr. by Macaulay......... An Account of Egypt ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Macaulay......... Critical and Historical Essays Volume 1 ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Macaulay......... Critical and Historical Essays Volume 2 ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Thomas Macaulay ......... History of England, James II, v.3 ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Thomas Macaulay ......... History of England, James II, v.4 ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Thomas Macaulay ......... History of England, James II, v.5 ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Macaulay......... History of England, James II, Vol. 1 ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Thomas B. Macaulay......... Lays of Ancient Rome ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Lord Macaulay......... Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches V1 of 4 ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Lord Macaulay......... Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches V2 of 4 ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Lord Macaulay......... Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches V3 of 4 ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Lord Macaulay......... Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches V4 of 4 ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Herodotus / Macaulay......... The history of Herodotus V1 ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Herodotus/Macauley......... The History of Herodotus, v2 ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      J. MacCaffrey......... History of the Catholic Church ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      MacCaffrey......... History of the Catholic Church, V2 ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Victor MacClure......... She Stands Accused ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... At the Back of the North Wind ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... David Elginbrod ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald ......... Donal Grant ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... Lilith ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... Lilith ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... Phantastes, A Faerie Romance ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... Robert Falconer ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      George MacDonald......... Sir Gibbie ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... The Diary of an Old Soul ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... The Light Princess ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... The Princess and Curdie ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      George MacDonald......... The Princess and the Goblin ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Harold MacGrath......... The Drums Of Jeopardy ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Harold MacGrath......... The Puppet Crown ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Arthur Machen......... The Great God Pan ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Nicolo Machiavelli......... Castracani ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Nicolo Machiavelli......... Castracani ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Machiavelli......... History of Florence...Italy ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Nicolo Machiavelli......... The Prince ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Nicolo Machiavelli......... The Prince ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Nicolo Machiavelli......... Valentino ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Nicolo Machiavelli......... Valentino ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Mackail......... Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Mackail......... Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Charles MacKay......... Memoirs of Popular Delusions ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Charles MacKay......... Memoirs of Popular Delusions ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Charles MacKay......... Memoirs of Popular Delusions ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Alexander Mackenzie ......... History Of The Mackenzies ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Henry Mackenzie ......... The Man of Feeling ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Henry Mackenzie ......... The Man of Feeling ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Ian Maclaren......... Books and Bookmen ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Jesse Macy......... Anti-Slavery Crusade ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      James Madison ......... State of the Union ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Hamilton, Jay & Madison......... The Federalist Papers ......... etext91/ ..... Disk 1
      Hamilton, Jay & Madison......... The Federalist Papers ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Maurice Maeterlinck......... The Unknown Guest ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Everybody's Magazine......... Stories from Everybody's Magazine, 1910 ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Thomas Malory......... Le Mort d'Arthur ( King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table) V.2 ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Thomas Malory......... Le Mort d'Arthur ( King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table) V.1 ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Hector Malot ......... Conscience v1 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Hector Malot ......... Conscience v2 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Hector Malot ......... Conscience v3 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Hector Malot......... Conscience v4 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Hector Malot ......... The Entire Conscience ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      John Mandeville......... The Travels of Sir John Mandeville ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      J. Hartley Manners ......... Peg O' My Heart ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Katherine Mansfield......... In a German Pension ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Katherine Mansfield......... The Garden Party ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Baron de Marbot......... The Memoirs of General the Baron de Marbot ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 1
      Baron de Marbot......... The Memoirs of General the Baron de Marbot ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 1
      Baron de Marbot......... The Memoirs of General the Baron de Marbot ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Baron de Marbot......... The Memoirs of General the Baron de Marbot ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Walter de la Mare......... Peacock Pie, A Book of Rhymes ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Walter de la Mare......... The Return ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Mrs. Craik:Dinah Maria......... John Halifax, Gentleman ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Fulgence Marion......... Wonderful ballon ascents: or, The conquest of the skies. A history of balloons and balloon voyages ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Dr. Faustus ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Dr. Faustus ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Dr. Faustus ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Dr. Faustus ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Massacre at Paris ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Tamburlaine the Great Part 1 ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Tamburlaine the Great PT 2 ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... Tamburlaine the Great PT 2 ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Marlowe......... The Jew of Malta ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Don Marquis......... Danny's Own Story ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Don Marquis......... Dreams and Dust ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Don Marquis......... Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Don Marquis......... Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Don Marquis......... Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Don Marquis......... The Cruise of the Jasper B. ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Captain Marryat......... Masterman Ready ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Marshall......... Events Culminating in The Great Conflict ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Logan Marshall......... Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      H. E. Marshall ......... This Country Of Ours ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Dyer & Martin......... Edison, His Life and Inventions ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Karl Marx......... Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Phillipe de Masa ......... The Entire Zebiline ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Phillipe de Masa ......... Zebiline v1 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Phillipe de Masa ......... Zebiline v2 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Phillipe de Masa ......... Zebiline v3 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      John Masefield......... Martin Hyde the Duke's Messenger ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Mary Murdoch Mason......... Mae Madden [a novel] ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Amelia Gere Mason......... The Women of the French Salons ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Edgar Lee Masters......... Spoon River Anthology ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Edgar Lee Masters......... Spoon River Anthology ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Charles Robert Maturin......... Melmoth the Wanderer ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Somerset Maugham......... Moon and Sixpence ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      W. Somerset Maugham......... Of Human Bondage ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      Henri Rene Guy De Maupassant ......... Bel Ami ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant ......... Pierre And Jean ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Selected Writings of Guy De Maupassant, Vol. 1 ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V1 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V10 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V11 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V12 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V13 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V2 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V3 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V4 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V5 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V6 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V7 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V8 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Guy de Maupassant......... Short Stories V9 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Henri Rene Guy de Maupassant ......... Yvette ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      James Clerk Maxwell ......... Five of Maxwell's Papers ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Karl May......... Mein Leben und Streben ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Karl May......... Mein Leben und Streben ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Karl May......... Mein Leben und Streben ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Margaret Mayo......... Baby Mine ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Margaret Mayo......... Polly of the Circus ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Cleland Boyd McAfee......... Study of the King James Bible ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Joseph McCabe......... The Story of Evolution ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Margaret Hill McCarter......... A Master's Degree ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      McClintocks......... Song and Legend From the Middle Ages ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Alexander McClure......... Lincoln's Yarns and Stories ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      John McCrae......... In Flanders Fields ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      George Barr McCutcheon......... Graustark ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      John McElroy......... Andersonville ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      John McElroy......... The Red Acorn ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      McGuffey......... The New McGuffey First Reader ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      McGuffey......... The New McGuffey Fourth Reader ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      William McKinley ......... State of the Union ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      McLaughlin......... Myths and Legends of the Sioux ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      John Charles McNeill......... Songs, Merry and Sad ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      J. Walker McSpadden......... Robin Hood ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Mrs. L.T. Meade ......... A Sweet Girl Graduate ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Mrs. L.T. Meade ......... A Sweet Girl Graduate ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Philip Melanchthon......... The Augsburg Confession, 465th Anniversary Edition ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      Philip Melanchthon......... The Augsburg Confession, in Latin and in German ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Herman Melville......... I and My Chimney ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Herman Melville......... Moby Dick ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Herman Melville......... Moby Dick ......... etext91/ ..... Disk 1
      Herman Melville......... Moby Dick ......... etext91/ ..... Disk 1
      Herman Melville......... Moby Dick [Chapter 72+] ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Herman Melville......... Typee ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Herman Melville......... Typee ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      H. L. Mencken......... In Defense of Women ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      H. L. Mencken......... In Defense of Women ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      The Militia of Mercy......... The Defenders of Democracy ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      The Militia of Mercy......... The Defenders of Democracy ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      George Meredith......... A Reading of Life, Other Poems ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      George Meredith......... Essay on Comedy, Comic Spirit ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Owen Meredith......... Lucile, a Poem ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      George Meredith......... Poems ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      George Meredith......... Poems ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      George Meredith......... Poems ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      George Meredith......... The Egoist ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Prosper Merimee......... Colomba ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Henry Seton Merriman ......... The Vultures ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      A. Merritt......... The Moon Pool ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Mersenne......... The 32nd Mersenne Prime, Predicted ......... etext93/ ..... Disk 1
      Conrad Ferdinand Meyer......... Die Versuchung des Pescara ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Conrad Ferdinand Meyer......... Die Versuchung des Pescara ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Alice Meynell......... Ceres' Runaway ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... Essays ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... Flower of the Mind ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... Hearts of Controversy ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... Later Poems ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... Poems ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... The Children ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... The Colour of Life ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... The Rhythm of Life ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Alice Meynell......... The Spirit of Place and other essays ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Miriam Michelson......... In The Bishop's Carriage ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      John Stuart Mill ......... The Contest in America ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      John Stuart Mill ......... The Contest in America ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Edna St. Vincent Millay......... Renascence and Other Poems ......... etext94/ ..... Disk 1
      Edna St. Vincent Millay......... Second April ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Gustavus Hindman Miller......... 10,000 Dreams Interpreted ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      John Murray and Mills Miller......... The Round-Up ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      A. A. Milne......... The Red House Mystery ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      John Milton......... Areopagitica ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      John Milton......... L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus, and Lycidas ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      John Milton......... Paradise Lost ......... etext92/ ..... Disk 1
      John Milton......... Paradise Lost ......... etext91/ ..... Disk 1
      John Milton......... Paradise Regained ......... etext93/ ..... Disk 1
      John Milton......... Poetical Works ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Edwin Mims......... Sidney Lanier ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      S. Weir Mitchell......... The Autobiography of a Quack ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Mary Russell Mitford......... Our Village ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Miss Mitford......... Tajima ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Moby......... Moby Hyphenation List ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Moby......... Moby Multiple Language Lists of Common Words ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Moby......... Moby Part of Speech List ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Moby......... Moby Pronunciation List ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Moby......... Moby Thesaurus List ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Moby......... Moby Word Lists ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Moliere ......... Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Moliere ......... Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Moliere......... L'Etourdi ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Moliere......... L'Etourdi ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere......... Tartuffe ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Moliere......... The Middle-Class Gentleman ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Moliere......... The Middle-Class Gentleman ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      J. Fitzgerald Molloy......... Royalty Restored, or, London under Charles II ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #1 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #1 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #1 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #2 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #2 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #2 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #3 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #3 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #3 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #4 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #4 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #4 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #5 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #5 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen......... Roemische Geschichte, #5 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen ......... Roemische Geschichte, #8 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen ......... Roemische Geschichte, #8 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Theodor Mommsen ......... Roemische Geschichte, #8 ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      James Monroe ......... State of the Union ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan ......... The Entire Memoirs of Madame de Montespan ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan ......... The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan, v1 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan ......... The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan, v2 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan ......... The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan, v3 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan......... The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan, v4 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan ......... The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan, v5 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan ......... The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan, v6 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Madame de Montespan ......... The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan, v7 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... Anne of Avonlea ......... etext92/ ..... Disk 1
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... Anne of Green Gables ......... etext92/ ..... Disk 1
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... Anne of the Island ......... etext93/ ..... Disk 1
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... Anne's House of Dreams ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... Chronicles of Avonlea ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... Chronicles of Avonlea ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... Rilla of Ingleside ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Lucy Maud Montgomery......... The Golden Road ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      John Moody......... The Railroad Builders ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Joseph Moore......... How Members of Congress Are Bribed ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Frank Frankfort Moore......... Phyllis of Philistia ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      F. W. Moorman......... Songs of the Ridings ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      F. W. Moorman......... Songs of the Ridings ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      F.W. Moorman......... Yorkshire dialect poems ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Thomas More......... Utopia ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      J. F. Cooper as Jane Morgan......... Tales for Fifteen ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Henry Morley......... A Bundle of Ballads ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Christopher Morley......... The Haunted Bookshop ......... etext94/ ..... Disk 1
      Christopher Morley......... Where the Blue Begins ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1
      William Morris......... A Dream of John Ball ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      William Morris......... Chants for Socialists ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      William Morris......... Child Christopher ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      William Morris......... Hopes and Fears for Art ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      William Morris......... News from Nowhere ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      George P. Morris......... Poems ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      William Morris......... Signs of Change ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      William Morris......... The House of the Wolfings ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      William Morris......... The Pilgrims of Hope ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Wm. Morris......... The Story of the Glittering Plain ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      William Morris......... The Well At The World's End ......... etext94/ ..... Disk 1
      William Morris......... Wood Beyond the World ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      H. Morrison ......... The Adventures of a Boy Reporter ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      H. Morrison ......... The Adventures of a Boy Reporter ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Dutch Republic, Introduction I ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Dutch Republic Introduction II ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Entire PG edition The Netherlands ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1584 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1584-85 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1585-86 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1585a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1585b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1585c ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1585d ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1585e ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1586a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1586b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1586c ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1586d ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1586e ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1587a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1587b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1587c ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1587d ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1588-89 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1588a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1588b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1588c ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1588d ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1590-92 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1590a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1590b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1592 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1592-94 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1594 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1595 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1595-96 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1597-98 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1598 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1598-99 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1600 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1600-02 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1602-03 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1603-04 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1604-05 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1605-07 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1607a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1607b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1608a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1608b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... History United Netherlands 1609 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... John of Barneveld - Entire 1609-15 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... John of Barneveld - Entire 1609-23 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... John of Barneveld - Entire 1614-23 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1609-10 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1609-14 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1610-12 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1610a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1610b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1613-15 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1614-17 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1617 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Life of John of Barneveld 1618 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Life of John of Barneveld 1618-19 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Life of John of Barneveld 1619-23 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1555 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1555-59 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1559-60 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1560-61 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1561-62 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1563-64 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley ......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1564-65 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1566a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1566b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1567a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1567b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1568a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1568b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1569-70 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1570-72 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1572 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1572-73 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1573 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1573-74 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1574-76 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1576 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1576-77 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1577-78 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1577a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1577b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1578a ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1578b ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1579-80 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1580-82 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... Rise of the Dutch Republic 1582-84 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... The Dutch Republic - Entire 1555-66 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... The Dutch Republic - Entire 1555-84 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... The Dutch Republic - Entire 1566-74 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... The Dutch Republic - Entire 1574-84 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... United Netherland - Entire 1584-1609 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... United Netherlands - Entire 1584-86 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... United Netherlands - Entire 1586-89 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... United Netherlands - Entire 1590-99 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Motley......... United Netherlands - Entire 1600-09 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Fredrich de la Motte-Fouque......... The Two Captains ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Fredrich de la Motte-Fouque......... The Two Captains ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Sylvester Mowry......... Proposed territory of Arizona ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart......... String Quarted No. 17 ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Muhammad......... The Koran ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Muhammad......... The Koran ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Lousia Muhlbach ......... Andreas Hofer ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      L. Muhlbach ......... Joseph II. and His Court ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Louise Muhlbach......... Mohammed Ali and His House ......... etext02/ ..... Disk 2
      Louise Muhlbach ......... Napoleon And Blucher ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Louise Muhlbach......... The Daughter of an Empress ......... etext00/ ..... Disk 1
      John Muir......... Steep Trails ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      Clarence Edward Mulford......... BAR-20 [Alternate Title] ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Clarence E. Mulford ......... Bar-20 Days ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      CE Mulford......... Hopalong Cassidy's Rustler Round-Up ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      F. Max Muller ......... The Dhammapada: A Collection of Verses. Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Miss Mulock......... The Little Lame Prince ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Talbot Mundy ......... Rung Ho! ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Joseph A. Munk......... Arizona Sketches ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Saki ( H. H. Munro )......... Beasts and Super-Beasts ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      J. Munro......... Heroes of the Telegraph ......... etext97/ ..... Disk 1
      Saki ( H. H. Munro )......... Reginald ......... etext01/ ..... Disk 2
      Saki ( H. H. Munro )......... Reginald in Russia, etc. ......... etext99/ ..... Disk 1
      Saki ( H. H. Munro )......... The Unbearable Bassington ......... etext96/ ..... Disk 1
      Maturin Murray ......... The Duke's Prize ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      Maturin Murray ......... The Heart's Secret ......... etext04/ ..... Disk 2
      the National Atomic Museum......... Trinity Atomic Bomb ......... etext95/ ..... Disk 1
      J. Cuthbert Hadden [Master Musicians] ......... Haydn ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Alfred de Musset......... Child of a Century v1 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Alfred de Musset ......... Child of a Century v2 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Alfred de Musset......... Child of a Century v3 ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Alfred de Musset......... Entire Child of a Century ......... etext03/ ..... Disk 2
      Abraham Myerson......... The Foundations of Personality ......... etext98/ ..... Disk 1

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Copyright (c) 2002 Jorge Llaurado. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, in any form or by any means without the permission in writing from the author.